Intermediary Organisation 2011-2027
ERASMUS for Young Entrepreneurs Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border business exchange programme aimed at helping new entrepreneurs to acquire the relevant skills for managing a small or medium-sized enterprise and experienced entrepreneurs, looking for fresh perspectives and international cooperation opportunities.  

2019 – 2027 The Transnational platform of Centres of Vocational Excellence for the emerging skills in the advanced manufacturing sector, which connects industry, training providers and civil society within the VET pathways.  
101132781RESTORY – Recovering Past Stories for the Future Researchers and community development experts from 12 European countries, analyse resource management strategies from the last 800 years to provide contemporary generations with strong examples of sustainable development.  

CLYP – The Civic Lab for Young People CLYP aims to develop methods and tools for starting Civic Labs for Young People – cross-sectorial innovative spaces for youth “incubation” and community project experimentation, promoting self-confidence and resilience for civic engagement.  

European Entrepreneurs- Actors of Change for Transition to Sustainability Entrepreneurs ACT project, aims to support wanna-be and new entrepreneurs to embrace the transition to green, digital, and socially responsible businesses through the development of sustainability competencies.  

QUALTRACK – Quality rating system for Adult Learning Providers QualTrack aims to propose a new quality rating system which will validate the criteria of educational institutions, improving the relevance and efficacy of VET provision with regard to labour market qualifications and companies’ needs.  

FLY – Financial Literacy for Youth FLY project aims to understand better the financial literacy gap of young people between 18 and 30 years old and to produce multilingual digital tools (Digital Mind Maps and Digital Playbook) to help them fill it.  

Double (Y)Our Lessons in English The objective of the project is to provide training content for teachers who aren`t specialized in teaching of English as foreign language and allow co-creation of lessons by teachers and students.  

Promoting youth social entrepreneurship through non formal learning SEntrA project aims to promote social entrepreneurship among young people by offering a set of non-formal learning tools to support youth acceleration in relation to sustainable development goals.  

Digital Era: WEB 3.0 and beyond… The project aims to develop innovative ICT and open educational resources that will support educators and students to use digital technologies in a creative way: Smartphone application toolkit, Augmented Reality smartphone applications.  

BMP 1/1.3/2738/2017
INNOVENTER – Innovative Vocational Social Entrepreneurial Training The project addresses the gap between commercial and social entrepreneurship and aims to establish vocationally oriented social entrepreneurship training for small and medium enterprises so that they innovate themselves.  

Level UP! Training Course aimed to identify the criteria and indicators that assure quality in youth work and the competences that a Youth Worker, Youth Educator and Youth Leader should have in order to be qualified to work effectively with young people.  

2017-1- NO02-KA205-000888
Cooperate to Operate – bringing together youth organizations and SMEs through corporate social responsibility The project aims to support youth organizations to diversify their funding sources by educating them in the field of CSR / fundraising from SMEs.  

Kite Builders Training Course for youth workers from ten European countries on how to conduct workshops for youth on entrepreneurship, visual communication, volunteering and career counselling, in order to improve their work opportunities.  

In2In – Invest in Innovation The project intents to become a tool that will support the growth of innovation within SME’s and it will be focused to SMEs staff who need to know the basics of a successful innovation practice.  
DE/13/LLP-LdV/TOI/ 147655
Business perfOrmance imprOvement through employee Skills Training BOOST integrates tools and develops associated methodologies. These will enable enterprises to identify their critical business needs and find appropriate learning resources to meet these needs.  
539082-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-GMPLOCATE – Local Media for Sustainable Community Action in Europe The project will support communities to build platforms of local community learning and stimulate innovation, entrepreneurship and capacity for change by encouraging the development of untapped potential from within communities.  

Capacity Building for Lifelong Learning Programme CB4LLP creates methodologies and tools that support the dissemination and exploitation of LLP projects’ results, improve sectoral, national and European level Capacity Building, and promote the exploitation of cross-cutting EU-level actions.  

SUSCOM – Sustainable Self-help Adult Community Learning Model & Tool-kit Suscom seeks to develop an inclusive model and associated tools to empower adults, especially in disadvantaged communities, to participate in quality learning without reliance on continual external funding.  

MOJO – Motivation and Job Opportunities MOJO is a personalised support service to the long-term unemployed. Designed to develop self-awareness and confidence, it features a motivational mapping so as to create one-to-one coaching and mentoring services in an integrated process.  

2010-1-TR1-LEO05- 16724
WBEE – Web Based E-inspection and E-performance The projects aims to develop an effective e-inspection and e-performance system with focus on sustainable development, use of systematic evaluations, adoption of accepted standards and systems and involvement of competent experts.  

BECOME – Business Critical Learning for individuals working in SMEs This project seeks to develop a Tool (Distance Travelled Tool) which enhances the attractiveness of vocational learning to employers and employees in small and micro firms and facilitates their engagement in VET.  

ENABLE – Enabling Labour Market Entry and Mobility by Engaging Learners through Innovation The project seeks to address low levels of participation in VET by “at risk” groups throughout Europe and provide them the necessary ICT skills for both personal and vocational development.  

PEPE Peer Education – a Pan European programme This project aims to address some of the issues faced by people furthest from the labour market and to widen their access to training and employment using a Peer Education support methodology.  
147848-LLP-1-2008-1- AT-EQFZOOM – Zooming in on EQF-level six with regard to the engineering sector Zoom’s overall aim is to enhance European cooperation and strengthen European coherence by establishing transparency and mutual trust regarding the referencing of selected qualifications into the EQF.  

European Initiative for the Promotion of Informal Learning The EIPIL-PAN project seeks to promote the recognition, validation and accreditation of informal learning in the workplace. For this reason a framework will be developed and trialled in the tourism sector.  

European Competencies for Food and Drink Service – Euroserve Euroserve is a Leonardo Partnerships Network with aim to research and establish a common competency framework and create a quality career path for food and drink service within the EU.  

Support Network for Social Economy Enterprises The project is based on the innovative mechanism of Virtual Incubator of social enterprises, which offers integrated services related to information, training and counselling support of women – business candidates, as well as the creation of 5 new enterprises and their back-up during the first two years of operation.  

LLP-LdV-TOI-2007- PT-05
Net Mentor Net Mentor aims to develop an electronic mentoring support programme delivered via the internet to support people from disadvantaged target groups in vocational training and employment.  

Assessment, Visibility & Exploitation of non-formally acquired competences of Experienced Employees Overall objective of the AVE EXEMPLO project is to provide companies and employees with equally manageable methods for self-assessment and external assessment of the competencies acquired in non-formal learning processes.  

LLP-LdV-TOI-2007- AT-0026
European Career Guidance Certificate ECGC aims to develop a standardised and internationally transferable certification system (“ECGC-certificate”) to acknowledge formally or non-formally acquired knowledge, skills and competences of career guidance counsellors, that is compatible with existing training offers.  

Certified European eLearning Manager The aim of the project is the development of a European certificate for e-learning management. The certificate guarantees that a Manager makes decisions and designs processes concerning the use of e-learning at professional level.  

Dynamic Online Tool for Guidance Dynot is a new dynamic, permanently updated online career guidance tool for ICT-professions. The tool provides information about required knowledge, skills and wider competences of ICT-professions on a national and international level.  

Empowering Employees to Manage their Outplacement Process Emop is an innovative outplacement tool to coach individuals through an outplacement/ new placement situation. It is interactive, counselling-focussed and supports individuals through the redundancy process and to find new job.  

Training in Marketing and Application of Internet for Promotion of Tourism The project aims to enrich the existing training programmes, develop the competencies of tourism SMEs in the field of Marketing and train the local authorities to assist SMEs in creating and implementing marketing strategies.  

In-Hospital Vocational Training  & Continuing Education in Oncology Trends The mobility project concerns a training action for Hospital units, promoting the development of professional knowledge and skills of the scientific staff (doctors and nurses), the improvement of the working practices and the familiarization with ICT applications.