ASSET Technology, invites the above entities to provide services for the preparation of a "Feasibility Study" in the framework of the project "Digital Business Succession Toolkit" with No. Application No. 112680 in Program II - "DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES" of AXIS 2.3 "Digitization of Enterprises", Action 16706 "Digital Transformation of Small and Medium Enterprises", of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0 through the direct award procedure.
The scope of the sub-project is the preparation of a Feasibility Study to establish the technical feasibility and economic viability of the project and to investigate its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as the resources required for its implementation.
The expenditure in case the project is approved in Programme II - "DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES" is an eligible expenditure of activity A.1: Preparatory activities preceding the main development of the product and falls under expenditure category EC2.3 "Consultancy services".
The Feasibility Study will include the following sub-sections:
- Operational Feasibility,
- Technical Feasibility,
- Economic Feasibility.
Deliverable Title: Feasibility Study for the project "Digital Business Succession Toolkit""
Implementation Schedule: three (3) months
Estimated budget: 37.200,00 € (including VAT), 30.000,00 € plus VAT.
CPV: 79314000-8 - Feasibility Study
Assignment criterion: the most economically advantageous tender on the basis of price alone for the whole Budget.
The submission of the offer is made either online with the subject "Offer for Project Feasibility Study 112680", at the e-mail address or by submitting a sealed envelope to the offices of ASSET TECHNOLOGIKI M. LTD, 2 Gioldasis and Roubesis, P.O. Box 11744, Neos Kosmos, Athens (4th floor) until the 20th of November 2023 at 14:00'.
For information and clarifications, interested parties can contact the following telephone number: 210-9273118. This invitation will be posted on the company's website and at ΚΗΜΔΗΣ.