NSRF 2021-2027
The new "Regional Development Corporate Agreement 2021-2027" ("NSRF 2021-2027") largely reflects the new priorities of the European Commission and the new development priorities of Greece for the coming years.
It was approved by the European Commission on July 29, 2021, and according to this, resources of a total amount of 26.2 billion euros are to be allocated to our country for the next 7 years, of which 20.9 billion euros concern the Union Support and an amount of 5.3 billion euros refers to the National Contribution.
Greece is the first EU Member State to officially submit and have the "Corporate Regional Development Agreement 2021-2027" approved for the new Programming Period.
The new "ESPA 2021-2027" captures and sets priorities for strengthening the productive potential of the economy, infrastructure, human skills and strengthening social protection.
The projects/actions to be financed by the new NSRF take into account the special conditions and needs of the country in the coming years and respond to the structural shortcomings of the Greek economy. At the same time, major projects that were started in the framework of the NSRF 2014-2020 are continuing and being completed.
The priorities and actions that will be implemented and which have as their purpose the fruitful transition to a:
"smarter" Greece – 20% of resources
"greener" Greece – 27% of resources
"more interconnected" Greece – 8% of resources
"more social" Greece – 30% of resources
Greece closer to its citizens - 6% of resources
for the Just Transition of the areas after lignitization – 7% of resources
The new "NSRF 2021-2027" has a strong developmental footprint through actions and projects of high added value and with multiplier benefits for both society and the economy - after the pandemic crisis - contributing the most to the start of a new cycle of prosperity for everyone.
The Corporate Regional Development Agreement 2021-2027 was approved by the European Commission on 29/7/2021.