The Skillman Network is a the transnational platform of centres of Vocational Excellence for the emerging skills in Advanced Manufacturing, based in the European Union (EU) that is engaged in the technical and vocation education and training (TVET) domain to design and distribute work-based learning (WBL) solutions to address skills mismatch. was launched in 2014 and received the European Commission support in 2015 in the field of education and training. In its specific field of intervention it is currently became the largest EU multilateral network combining a solid knowledge of skills needs and training practices with a well organised systemic and sector-related information system

The network was founded by well-known VET providers and industry leaders like Scandinavian Airline Systems, FIAT FCA, Jaguar Land Rover, the Italian National Research Centre, TKNIKA and other organisations and accreditations bodies from various EU countries.

Skillman is a worldwide community of practitioners, researchers, and institutions committed to responding to the need for learning solutions by creating tools and operating conditions for its community, based on the principles of participatory learning and distributed collaboration.